
Kamis, 24 Desember 2015


. Kamis, 24 Desember 2015 .

Lwan is a high-performance & scalable web server.
Requests per second vs. number of concurrent connections?

Hello, World! (C)
100B file

Hello, World! (LuaJIT)
32KiB file
In development for over 3 years, Lwan was until recently a personal research effort that focused mostly on building a solid infrastructure for a lightweight and speedy web server.
With its low disk and memory footprints, it's suitable to be used from embedded devices to robust servers. Both static and dynamic content can be served, as it can also be used as a library. Dynamic content can be generated by code written in either C or Lua.





Python Net Tool
Pycat is a python replacement tool for netcat. That automatically scans for hosts that are up on the local network. Simply run PyCat.py without arguments to automatically start scanning the network. CTRL+C will interrupt scanning and display the options for interacting with hosts that are up.


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